Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thunderhead Panoramic

Click on image for larger view
While camping at the Astronomical Society of Kansas City's Dark Sky Site last month, a few of us were enjoying some corn on the cob when we noticed a huge cumulonimbus building in the south. I grabbed my camera and took a bunch of shots. The storm stretched from due south to directly east, so it was not possible to get the whole thing in one picture, so instead I took 4 images overlapped slightly, then using Photoshop I combined them into the panoramic you see here. The colors come from the sunset in the west. The top of the cloud is lit by direct sunlight and the bottom of the cloud is lit by the light of the sunset. Make sure and click on the above image to see the larger view. Also, smaller monitors will require you to scroll from side to side.


  1. Awesome panorama Tom! I see a couple of vertical stitches related to lens flare and different white balance settings (helps to lock for all images), but overall excellent quality and colors.

  2. Thanks for the comment. You're right about using the same white balance on all shots. I should have used the same exposure also, and placed the camera on a tripod for better horizontal panning. You should have seen what I started with (different exposures, horizon not level). I have read about panoramic tripod heads. I need to build one a keep it handy.
